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Рабочая группа «Исследования Латинской Америки» / Working Group “Latin America Studies”

V. Lengruber, The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine: How Have Argentina and Brazil Assessed the Question?

14 марта 2022
507 просмотров

Vitor Lengruber, foreign affairs analyst at the Brazilian Naval War College's Conjuncture Assessment Group, Brazil.
Head of the Latin American Studies Working Group at the Volgograd Centre for International Humanitarian Cooperation, Russia.

V. Lengruber, Brazil and BRICS: Between Soft-Balancing and Strategic Goals

08 декабря 2020
1604 просмотра

Vitor Lengruber, Student and Research at the Petropolis Catholic University, Brazil.
Head of the Latin American Studies Working Group at the Volgograd Centre for International Humanitarian Cooperation, Russia

In the Name of the Flag and in the Name of The Ball: Football as representation of Brazil-Argentina relations

17 ноября 2020
893 просмотра

Bruno Couto de Souza Pedrosa, Geopolitics and International Security master’s student at the Brazilian National War College (ESG), Federative Republic of Brazil

The Jihadist Terrorism Threat To Brazil And The Brazilian Capability To Combat It

03 ноября 2020
995 просмотров

Victor Santos Mendes, International Security and Defense Master’s degree Student at the Brazilian National War College (ESG), Federative Republic of Brazil

The Responsibility of Brazil’s Leadership in South American Development

27 октября 2020
1279 просмотров

Bruno Couto de Souza Pedrosa, Geopolitics and International Security master’s student at the Brazilian National War Colllege (ESG), 
Federative Republic of Brazil

The South Atlantic Ocean as a Zone of Brazilian Power Projection: Challenges and Opportunities

25 июня 2020
1522 просмотра

Ana Beatriz Ferreira, 4th year International Relations student at the Petrópolis Catholic University (UCP), 
Federative Republic of Brazil, 

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